#one in six

Mental Health Advisory Panel

Our Mental Health Advisory Panel provides guidance for our research grants. The panel brings together academic, clinical, grant-making and lived experience to give a rounded oversight of grants to research institutions.

Chair: Prof Peter Fonagy

Professor of Psychoanalysis and Developmental Science, University College London; Chief Executive of the Anna Freud Centre, London

Wol Kolade

Managing Partner, Livingbridge Capital; Chair, Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation; NED NHS Improvement

Prof Eamon McCrory

Professor of Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology, UCL

Bharat Mehta

Advisor, formerly Chief Executive, Trust for London

Emma Quinn

Consultant, Speaker and Mental Health Advocate

PROF Sandeep Ranote

Paediatric Psychiatrist, NHS Medical Director, Greater Manchester Medical Exec Lead Mental Health

Prof Sir Simon Wessely FRS

Regus Chair of Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, Kings College London

Cathy Creswell

Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Developmental Clinical Psychology, Oxford University

Danny Lee

Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Private Practice; Wellbeing Advisor, Imperial College London

Kathryn Morely

Advisor, lived experience of family mental health, formerly Chief Executive, OnSide Youth Zones

Alban Stowe BEM

Senior Head of UK Government Strategy and Partnerships, The Prince’s Trust

Emma Thomas

Mental Health and leadership Consultant; Vice Chair, CAST; formerly Chief Executive, YoungMinds

Wesley Walton


Sai Kadirrajah


Ben McGregor


Tom Rebair


It is a privilege to sit with some of the most distinguished colleagues in mental health research and practice to advise one of the most visionary of Foundations committed to the wellbeing of young people.

Prof Peter Fonagy
Chair of the Prudence Trust Mental Health Advisory Panel